He Arotahi Mā Tātou – Our vision.
A signature project with potential to benefit the entire district, Ngāti Te Whiti Hapū are actively pursuing a lifetime aspiration to re-establish our home settlement at Ngāmotu and continue the historical story.
Positioned with prominence on our foreshore, Ngāmotu Marae will welcome visitors with pride, embrace those who are returning home to our city and support, nurture, and care for those who live, work and play in Ngāmotu, New Plymouth.
Bringing people together.
Our mission – Ngāmotu Marae is a warm and loving place that stands at the centre of being, and belonging to,
Ngāti Te Whiti. At the same time, Ngāmotu Marae is for the city – it is a gathering place that encourages people to come together to enhance community wellbeing.
Ngāmotu Marae is a key part of our community’s future, for New Plymouth and Taranaki.
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamaua / I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past.
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamaua / I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past.
Our marae will consist of a wharenui (which can sleep 80), a wharekai (which can cater to a meal sitting of 100), atea, administration area, community meeting facilities, supporting amenities, fixtures and fittings, road access and parking.
It will provide much needed facilities for meetings and conferences, workshops and education, and a safe haven in times of need for our wider community.
Ngāmotu Marae will be a knowledge centre, that will provide education for people of all ages about the history of Ngāmotu.
The marae will be able to host cultural, sporting, education and commercial groups and welcome tourists visiting from other parts of Aotearoa, and from all around the world.
Ngāmotu Marae will:
Be a fully accessible, actively engaging, and community focused marae.
Achieve innovative and environmentally sustainable building principles.
Be tech savvy in our capacity to
connect and engage people.
Create a gathering place where knowledge and stories are shared, gifted and passed on to our mokopuna.
Welcome and host people according to kawa and tikanga of the marae.
Let’s build this
marae together.
With generosity and support from across our community, we can begin construction.
We welcome your support today for this vital project.
Visit Taranaki Foundation to make a donation.